Overwatch Wiki


Trigger Quote Audio
Time Running Out Clock's ticking!
(Attack) Time is running out for the attackers.
(Defense) Time is running out for the defenders.
Match End Draw!


Trigger Quote Audio
Checkpoint 1
(Door to Junkertown)
Welcome to Junkertown!
(As Zenyatta, Orisa, or Bastion) Only place for omnics in Junkertown is on the scrap heap. Consider yourself warned.
(As Junkrat) You're either braver or dumber than you look to come back here, Junkrat.
(As Roadhog) You know better than to show your face around here, Mako.
Checkpoint 2
(Door to Scrapyard)
Welcome to the Scrapyard!
Today we find a new champion!
A new challenger enters!


Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio
Unknown Play of the Game!
Not bad. Looking for a job?
Time for the big finish!
I could always use another engineer. Don't ask what happened to the last one.
I expected more!
I am not entertained!
Someone call the ambo.
Good riddance.
Mind the merchandise!
Your new champion!
Looks like you're bogged down.
Better get moving. I'm expecting my tribute.
You're going the wrong way.


  • "I am not entertained!" is a possible reference to a popular quote from the film Gladiator wherein the protagonist asks his stunned audience "Are you not entertained?" after slaying several other fighters in a gladiator pit.