Overwatch Wiki

This user "PigeonGuru" prefers to use the enhanced profile.

Placeholder assets for what editing this wiki needs in my perspective.

Active Edits[ | ]

  • Spread- reference value: Soldier: 76's Pulse Rifle is 2.4

Hero Match-ups[ | ]

Offense Heroes[ | ]

VS. Icon-genji:

VS. File:Icon-mccree.png:

VS. Icon-pharah:

VS. Icon-reaper:

VS. Icon-Soldier76:

VS. Icon-tracer:

Defense Heroes[ | ]

VS. Icon-bastion:

VS. Icon-hanzo:

VS. Icon-junkrat:

VS. Icon-mei:

VS. Icon-torbjorn:

VS. Icon-widowmaker:

Tank Heroes[ | ]

VS. Icon-dva:

VS. Icon-reinhardt:

VS. Icon-roadhog:

VS. Icon-winston:

VS. Icon-zarya:

Support Heroes[ | ]

VS. Icon-ana:

VS. Icon-lúcio:

VS. Icon-mercy:

VS. Icon-symmetra:

VS. Icon-zenyatta:

Synergies[ | ]

X+Y :
